14 de junio de 2009

Querido Diario: Resurrection...[Día 141]

There are moments in life where one decision in one moment changed irrevocably the course of events...
When you decide to shoot someone, when you decide to want or not want, when you decide to love or to hate, when you decide to lie, betray, hide or cross the line, the tenth of a second can turn all around to the dark side or flooded with light.
It may make you a hero or a criminal, can make you a prisioner or a fugitive, can take you to heaven or hell but it will always be a place where you can not go back...
You decide...take it or let it go.
Whenever something is ending because something new is starting.

1 de junio de 2009

Querido Diario: 22 velas [Día 140]

Otro año más a las espaldas, pero este empieza completamente diferente. Lejos de tu familia, de tus amigos...
Solo me queda disfrutar de este día al máximo y recordaros siempre aquí, a mi lado, soplando estas 22 velas.